Help us grow a community for all

Annual Appeal 2025

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Help us grow a community for all

Today's young people are imbued with the power to shape our future and become tomorrow's leaders, and an enriching education is the most critical step.

Scotch College's Indigenous Scholarship Programme supports students to experience diverse opportunities, learn about themselves and practise their cultures.

We need your support to continue providing life-changing opportunities to tomorrow's change-makers, and each donation counts.

"There can be no greater legacy than giving forward and assisting boys to achieve what they may have thought to be an impossible dream – attending Scotch College."
– Dr. Alec O'Connell, Headmaster

Your gift, regardless of its size, will support learning opportunities for students today and beyond.

Donations to the Scholarship and Bursary Fund are tax deductible.

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Get in touch

For more information, please contact Manager of Philanthropy Mel Colling and Director of Admissions and Advancement David Kyle at or +61 8 9383 6987

Donate online

Visa, MasterCard and Amex are accepted, no surcharges apply. All payments are processed online instantly and securely. All donations to the Scholarship and Bursary Fund are tax deductible.

Bank transfers

If you would prefer to donate via bank transfer, please use the details and description provided below.

Scotch College Scholarship and Bursary Fund
BSB: 036-034
Account: 286662

If you're experiencing any payment issues, please get in touch with Mel Colling in our Philanthropy Office on or +61 8 9383 6987.

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Prefer post?

Download, print and post the Scholarship and Bursary donation form to:

Scotch College Scholarship and Bursary Fund
PO Box 223, Claremont WA 6910

Thank you for your support.